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Photo Courtesy of Sower Staff By Elisha Meyer   The administration at Concordia University-Nebraska is working to...
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Paige Uzzell Hello everyone, and welcome to Concordia! My name is Paige Uzzell and I...
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Photo courtesy of CUNE Marketing Department. Autumn Johnson Welcome to the 2019-20 academic year, the 126th...
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Professors Dr. Haley, Rev. Dr. Coe, and Dr. Hink discuss with author Dan Siedell...

  Senior Micah Symmank teaches children about the color wheel at the 23rd annual Plum Creek...
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Two Seward residents hold signs along Highway 15 during the Life Chain pro-life event...
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By April Bayer   More than 550 alumni and friends...

The second biannual Broadway at the Boulders concert, featuring the A Cappella Choir and...
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by Benjamin Middendorf   Royal palaces, a Danish castle and the homes and burial places of...
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by Savanah Baker   Snow angels filled the quad on Concordia's campus after a record number...
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by Ryan Trueblood Did anyone notice the car parked in front of Founders Hall a...