Spring Weekend to Celebrate Three Anniversaries
Spring Weekend 2018 women’s winning team, a group of freshman, performs the “Sync Swim” outside of the THOM building.
by Victoria Cameron
This year’s Spring Weekend will celebrate Concordia’s 125th anniversary, as well as the 50th anniversary of both the Student Activities Council and Spring Weekend.
The theme for the 2019 Spring Weekend is “You Stay Classy, Concordia.” It is based off the movie “Anchorman”, but it is open for interpretation by the teams.
During Spring Weekend, teams will compete in a variety of events. Some of the events will be familiar to upperclassmen, but some will be included for the first time in years because they took place at Concordia’s first Spring Weekend.
“(The) cow chip (toss), pie-eating, tug o’ war (and) obstacle course were all a part of the original, very first spring weekend,” Director of Student Development Rehema Kavugha said. “And they’ve always had an opening and a lip sync. Sync swim came around pretty soon after but we used to do it in our actual pool. You had to have team people with really good abs to do that.”
Besides incorporating original events, this Spring Weekend will mark the anniversaries by inviting alumni to compete. SAC’s founder, who also founded Spring Weekend, will be one of them.
Some of the events involve water. Unfortunately for the participants and despite the hopes of the coordinators, this weekend is not forecasted to be sunny.
“It’s been a while since we’ve had to put (sync swim) inside,” Kavugha said.
Even the water events will be moved only as a last resort, though. Teams expect to get cold. Fortunately, the potential cold weather has not dampened the spirits of the teams.
“I am looking forward to the sync swim because that was my favorite last year,” sophomore Hayden Rensner, who is leading a team, said. “It’s freezing but it’s a lot of fun, you get to dance to cool music.”
This year’s changes to Spring Weekend may continue past the anniversaries they are honoring.
“This time we’re trying to change things up for next year and bring new things in for the students and get their opinions, so we’re going to have a survey sent out,” sophomore and Spring Weekend co-chair Hope Bassett said.
So far, participants are taking the changes positively.
“I’m also looking forward to throwing cow poop, for some reason, it’s going to be great,” Rensner said.
Students are encouraged to note the schedules of events posted around campus and attend as many events as they are able.