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Home News Praise worship at new outdoor chapel draws 80-plus

Photo description: Between 80 and 100 students attended a Praise worship night at the new outdoor chapel during Homecoming week

Photo credit: Aaron Fosse

Nora Betts

Sower Staff


A Homecoming weekend special Praise worship was the first event held at the Student Senate’s new outdoor chapel, Senate Vice President Victoria Perry told Tuesday’s meeting.

Luke Gifford, a student on the Campus Ministry team, said between 80 and 100 people showed up to worship on the night of Sept. 20. Gifford said it was the largest group he has ever seen at Praise.

“That was one of the best kickoffs that we could have asked for, for both the dedication of the outdoor chapel as well as to get into the year,” said Gifford.

The Senate installed a fire pit at the outdoor chapel on Sept. 9, which was used for the Praise worship night. The outdoor chapel has been a work in progress for two years.

Senate officers said they want to install a cross at the chapel, which would complete construction of the space.

Senate President Aaron Fosse said he spoke to the donor that funded the cross in the Bulldog Stadium. He said the same donor wants to help pay for a cross at the outdoor chapel.

Fosse reported he will continue to talk with the donor and contact Concordia’s Center for Liturgical Art about the price and process of installing a new cross.

Senate Treasurer Alexander Johnston, who is head of the Physical Campus Committee, said he met with CUNE Chief Financial Officer Dave Kumm to talk about student concerns with lighting on campus. Senate members had brought up concerns about dark areas on campus, such as along the football field between the Janzow Campus Center and Philip and Timothy halls, by the stairwell next to Walz Arena, and between Jesse and Weller halls.

Johnston said that Kumm will talk with Buildings and Grounds about making lighting improvements.

Johnston also spoke with Kumm about student concerns over finding parking on campus. He said that nothing can be done about parking through policy changes, but Kumm told him more parking spaces are becoming available as campus construction ends, although they are far from the dorms.

“[Kumm] did mention that with construction ending at the library and the music building, a lot more spaces opened up, especially the obscure ones” next to the library and Walz, said Johnston. “He’s encouraging people to be a bit more strategic about where they park, and we should have enough spaces.”

The Student Life Office will update the campus map showing where parking is available for students, faculty and visitors, said Perry. The updated map will be posted on the Senate’s social media once it is created.

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