High heat makes keeping athletes hydrated, cool a priority during practice
Photo credit: Pixabay.com
Jonas Sommerfeld
Sower Staff
Fall sports are beginning at Concordia this week with outdoor afternoon temperatures expected to be above 100 degrees, so the Athletic Department has protocols in place to keep athletes safe.
Head athletic trainer Randy Baak said weather-related apps help monitor the temperature on the field, heat index and wet bulb temperature – or temp read by a water-soaked thermometer.
Baak has talked with coaches and athletes about the importance of proper hydration and nutrition during hot weather. Water is available to all athletes throughout practices, along with additional water breaks.
Baak said for last Saturday’s soccer scrimmage instead of having the usual two 45-minute periods, there were three 30-minute periods with water breaks during each at the 15-minute mark.
Practices times also can be adjusted to cooler times of the day to prevent athletes from overheating, and athletes can use ice towels during breaks.
“In years past we have utilized mandatory weigh-ins after each practice to make sure athletes are maintaining appropriate weight,” Baak said.
In an emergency, athletic trainers also have had large tubs filled with ice water to cool athletes who have a heat-related illness.