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Home News Friedrich Serves Students Through Breakfast

by Ben Middendorf


The line often stretches past the Janzow mailboxes as students wait to gorge themselves on pancakes.

Next Sunday, students will once again queue up outside of Janzow cafeteria for the 11th annual Brake for Breakfast, a tradition started by President Brian Friedrich and his wife Laurie in 2005.

“It’s something that Laurie and I wanted to do for our students, and it was also part of a new initiative by Student Activities for a stress-buster week,” Friedrich said. “We came up with this idea: Right before finals week, students love food, and how about breakfast at night? It’s stuck.”

Brake for Breakfast has become a cornerstone of “Dead Week” preceding finals and helps students to relax, along with activities like Pet Therapy and the Christmas movie marathon.

“I just so enjoy our students, and it’s one of those times when I can see so many students in such a short amount of time,” Friedrich said.

Although the Friedrichs are known for serving pancakes, students often see cabinet members and professors on the food line.

“Ron Bork has been there every year but one, and he comes with his red suspenders and his tie and his Santa hat,” Friedrich said. “I think Julie Johnston Hermann’s probably been there every year for 11 years.”

As the university itself has grown, the event has changed. Many more pancakes have to be prepared before the cafeteria doors open, and gluten free alternatives are now being offered to those with dietary restrictions. Otherwise, the menu has stayed the same throughout the years. Pancakes, sausages, fruit, orange juice and hot chocolate are the staples of the evening.

“I just am so thankful for Bryan Sherbarth and his team, and those before him, who have just done an incredible job of putting this all together,” Friedrich said.

Brake for Breakfast will run from 9:30-11:00 p.m. in Janzow on Sunday, Dec. 13.

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