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Home News Concordia Senate to Complete Outdoor Chapel in Spring

Nora Betts

Sower Staff


Concordia’s Student Senate has completed the center section of 16 benches for the outdoor chapel behind the David dorm and will resume installation in the spring.

The future installation has been nicknamed “Wings by Spring” by President Julia Witt, as the remaining 14 benches will be angled on either side of the existing benches.  Witt said, “we are planning to call that quits” for the fall, “but we will have a functional space when the concrete sets.” 

Volunteers worked for three weekends to dig post holes and cement the benches in place, but the Senate opted to take a break until the spring when the ground softens. Future plans include adding a fire pit and a cross with help from the Center for Liturgical Art. 

The Senate’s Public Relations Committee is working to increase its social media presence as a way to gain more interest and student involvement. The committee will meet each week after Senate adjournment to discuss ideas and work on their social media campaign. Witt said students should still follow the Senate online. 

“If you don’t follow the Student Senate on Facebook, go follow the Student Senate on Facebook,” she said.

The Senate aims to be transparent about club spending, but its budget update is still in the works. The data will not be fully loaded into the system until later in the week, delaying its availability to the Senate participants.

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