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Home Opinion Concordia Campus Secrets Revealed

Options at 10:31 are not limited to only those listed on the menu board.

Photo by Kim Sleeper


By April Bayer


As you begin your college journey at Concordia, there are a few hidden secrets you should probably know. Don’t worry, this isn’t a cringey attempt at a gossip column or an article revealing scandalous, top-secret information. It’s just a guide to help you adjust to campus life and learn about a few things you might not notice at first glance.

  1. There are four stages of Concordia dating.

As explained by junior Rachel Krome, the four stages of dating at Concordia include:

  • The Janzow Meet-Cute: You’re sitting at a table in Janzow, minding your own business, when all of a sudden, you see him or her across the room—the person you know you’re meant to marry (seriously, you might actually end up marrying him or her). After the usual process of messaging, talking, laughing and hanging out, before long, you’re sharing the place reserved for couples: the high tables by the windows.
  • Sharing a Hymnal in Chapel: This might not seem like a big deal, but it’s an important step in the course of any Concordia relationship. Why carry the weight of a heavy maroon hardcover when you can share the burden with someone else? Now that’s commitment.
  • The Concordia Walk: This is where the quiet and seclusion of Plum Creek trail really comes in handy. You can take a leisurely stroll together, hold hands, and talk about life and your future together. This step indicates that things are really getting serious.
  • Ring by Spring: You might have heard people joke about this before you came here, but it’s real. Couples get engaged left and right beginning in late fall up until spring hits. Your Facebook and Instagram feeds will be flooded with proposal pictures. In Krome’s words, “(You) go on a Concordia walk, and presto change-o, you are engaged!”

Note: Results may vary. Please do not attempt to apply these steps to a person you just met at Jump Start Days or LAUNCH weekend. Trust me, it usually doesn’t end well.

  1. At the beginning, your friend group grows fast, and so does your Janzow table.

When you first start your college experience, you’re getting to know all sorts of people. Some will become acquaintances, some you’ll never speak to after the first week, and others might become lifelong friends. But one thing is for certain: You will end up eating with all of them at some point during the first couple weeks, probably at the same time. If you have a larger friend group, that’s where the “Janzow squeeze” comes in—pushing a ridiculous number of chairs around a circular table, squeezing in, and becoming (physically) closer than you ever thought possible.

  1. Like Starbucks, 10:31 has a secret menu.

If you haven’t visited 10:31, the coffee shop in Janzow top, grab your roommate right now and head over. Even if you don’t like coffee, there’s a wide selection of drinks to choose from—tea, smoothies, steamers (all the flavor of a specialty coffee drink without the coffee), granitas, Italian soda—the list goes on. You aren’t limited to the drinks listed on the seasonal board either. If there’s something different you’d like to try or a past seasonal drink you want to sample, the barista will be happy to whip it up for you.

  1. You aren’t limited to your dorm room when it comes to study spots.

Some people like the social atmosphere of Janzow top, while others prefer the required silence of the basement of Link Library, with private desks that go deep into the stacks (sidenote: There’s also a rock museum down there. It’s fun to check out if you have some spare time.). Some students sit in the lobby of the Music Building and watch the koi fish swim in the fountain, while others get to work at the tables on the main floor of the Thom Leadership Education Center, usually called TLEC Main Street. Whatever your study needs might be, find the place that works for you, and when the weather gets nice, don’t be afraid to grab a blanket or a hammock and get outside.

  1. Some parts of the campus are haunted.

When workers broke ground for the construction of David Hall in the 1970s, Native American remains were discovered there and relocated. Ever since, the story goes that the dorm is haunted. Students have reported lights and appliances switching off and on at random and occasionally hearing strange noises. Similar things have been said about Founders Hall, Concordia’s oldest building. The eerie red glow of the exit signs is admittedly a bit creepy when walking across campus at night, especially if you’re alone. Founders is usually locked up anyway, as the upper floors aren’t considered safe.

Ultimately, you’ll discover more secrets and hidden tidbits as you continue your Concordia journey, whether it be the room at the top of Weller Tower, the fancy Heritage Room in Janzow top, the poetry wall in the library, or the campus cats. Good luck exploring, and make sure you don’t get trampled in the Naked Man Run.


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