How Concordia’s Clubs Get Their Funding
Student body Vice President, Sam Moore, talks with a student about clubs at the 2018 activity fair. Student Senate approves the funding clubs on campus receive. Photo by Kim Sleeper
by Daniel Heitshusen
Every official Concordia club receives funding from Student Senate, but many students do not know about the process. Senior Tori Beran, the Student Senate treasurer, explained how Student Senate operates.
“We meet every Tuesday, and then we have committee meetings every other week,” Beran said. We do things with that and try to make campus better. We work with a variety of faculty members to try and figure out different problems that we can solve on campus.”
Every potential club is required to find a faculty advisor and fill out forms, and then Student Senate votes on whether they will become a club. If they become a club, they will be required to attend Student Senate meetings weekly.
Clubs must be in operation for at least one year in order to receive funding. Previously funded clubs simply fill out and turn in budget sheets to Student Senate.
“They will hand (budget sheets) in to me, and they will also present to (the) whole Student Senate what they are asking and why. Then we have a budget committee that will meet, and we decide on the budget,” Beran said.
Budget forms were turned in on March 19.