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Home Arts & Culture Annual Student Activities Fair will invite students to connect, find groups that...

Photo credit: Nora Betts

By Mi-Ree Zwick


The Student Activities Fair invites students to connect with like-minded individuals with similar interests and hobbies this coming Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. in the Cattle Conference Room.

Each club will occupy a table to showcase what they have to offer. Clubs that communicate via email will give students an opportunity to sign up for email lists to receive information about different activities and events.

There are many clubs for a variety of interests including sports, STEM, the arts, and more. Each club will provide relevant information for students interested in getting involved. Space is also reserved for local churches and businesses to interact with the Concordia community.

“It’s a great way for students to see how they can get involved,” said Emma VanTol, the current treasurer for the Student Senate. “People put a lot of hard work into this because they want people to join and have fun.”

Harley Storie, the president of both the art and theater clubs, plans to share information and “sneak peeks” into the activities planned for this year.

Churches, businesses, and clubs often give out free snacks or items such as stickers or pens.

“There’s always lots of free stuff, which is always a big plus for us college students,” said VanTol. Storie recommends bringing a bag.

VanTol said that being aware of clubs on campus is important, whether or not you decide to attend the activities.

A bulletin board in the Janzow Campus Center next to the 10:31 coffee shop has information about all official campus clubs. The club’s social media handles are available for students to contact.

“On that bulletin board is a list of all the different clubs,” VanTol said. “If you don’t have social media, you can always go to the SLO [Student Life Office] and they can get you connected with the current student leader or the faculty advisor at the club.”

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