JE Dunn installed the i-beam signed by students into the frame of the Dunklau building. Students gathered before class to watch the continued construction of the building. The first building of Dunklau Center for Science, Math and Business will open in the fall of 2019.
Employees from JE Dunn Construction hook up the i-beam. Photo by Sonja Brandt.
Photo by Sonja Brandt.
Sponsor signs hang from the i-beam as workers begin to set the beam into place. Photo by Sonja Brandt.
Photo by Sonja Brandt.
Noah Freeman, Charlotte Lines, and other students pray as the beam is installed. Photo by Sonja Brandt.
Signatures and messages from Concordia students are visible on the i-beam. Photo by Sonja Brandt.
The i-beam set into its final spot on the roof of Dunklau Center for Science, Math and Business.