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Home News Bulldogs for Life Join Nebraska Walk for Life, Head to March for...

Members of Concordia’s Bulldogs for Life march in Nebraska’s Walk for Life on Jan. 14. Photo courtesy of Bulldogs for Life Facebook page.


by Jayme Lowe


Concordia’s student-led pro-life group Bulldogs for Life participated in the Nebraska Walk for Life in Lincoln on Saturday, Jan. 14 and is looking forward to attending the national March for Life in Washington, D.C. this coming weekend.

“I’m really excited to march with so many people who care very deeply about life,” junior Emma Wendorff said. Wendorff attended the Nebraska Walk for Life and is in the group going to the March for Life.

Professor Christopher Maronde, who is a pastoral counselor and coordinator in the pro-life movement, gave the sermon at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lincoln at a service before the march. At the Nebraska Walk for Life, Bulldogs for Life experienced the other side of the march—protesters against pro-life.

“I think they’re fun, because it makes you feel like you’re standing up for something,” Bulldogs for Life officer junior Samantha Coomer said.

Seventeen members of Bulldogs for Life are attending this year’s March for Life, leaving Thursday, Jan. 19 and returning Monday, Jan. 23. While in Washington, D.C., they will not only participate in the Walk for Life, which is the largest pro-life demonstration in the country, but they will also attend the Lutherans for Life Conference and see some sights along the way.

“We’re going to march with hundreds of thousands of other pro-lifers and just make our presence known,” Coomer said.

Bulldogs for Life, previously called Bulldogs for the Unborn, is a Concordia club focused on preserving the sanctity of life from conception to tomb. The group changed its name to reflect its belief that life is valuable at all stages and that it is firmly against practices such as abortion and euthanasia.

One of the Bulldogs for Life’s main priorities throughout the year is working with the pregnancy center in Lincoln. The group participates in diaper drives and other activities to help support the center. Pat McCarthy, the head of the pregnancy center, occasionally speaks on campus.

Bulldogs for Life are planning to hold a panel in the coming months as well as more diaper drives. The group holds meetings twice a month on every other Sunday at 7 p.m.; the group’s Facebook page has more information.


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