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Home Blog Adventures in Student Teaching: The One with Fun Weekend Plans

Adventures in Student Teaching is a blog series that features the adventures Concordia student teachers have in their classrooms and host homes.


by Hope Moural


Alicia Royuk, senior and student teacher of Concordia International School in Shanghai, China, learned it never hurts to ask her seventh grade class what their weekend plans are.

Her students were one week away from the arrival of spring break and were in a bit of a slump. So Royuk decided to ask them all if they had any big plans for the weekend, hoping to get some excitement out of them.

She shared that one student named Simon, who Royuk calls “a wildcard,” pitched in by saying that he was going to Spain.

“You’re going to Spain?” asked Royuk. “ Just for a weekend?!”

She laughed but after seeing that Simon’s facial expressions remained serious, asked if he was serious.

Simon responded with a yes and that he would be staying there for a few weeks.

But we have school next week, aren’t you going to be at school?” Royuk asked him.

“I guess not,” was the reply.

Sure enough, Simon was not in attendance the following Monday, much to Royuk’s surprise.

“And that’s what it’s like student teaching in an international setting!” Royuk said. “Your students ditch class for a week to go to Spain and you would never even know if you didn’t happen to ask about their weekend plans.”

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